A Smart Guide to Develop and Set up Social Media Advertising Using Facebook and Instagram Advertising Services

Social media is used by millions and millions of people around the world, and two of them, Facebook and Instagram, drive in major traffic in the range of nearly a billion when combined together. This makes these two social media platforms ideal for advertising with widespread exposure to millions of potential users. This opportunity inspires many businesses to expand their network, sales and exposure through Facebook ads to send out their advertisements.

Now if these two social media platforms were separate entities, creating ads for each platform would be double the work. However, Instagram is owned by Facebook and they have launched a common Facebook ads platform that allows users to create single instances of ads that can be deployed on both Facebook and Instagram at once, making the process much easier and increasing exposure levels manifold.

Facebook also provides a ton of tools for creating, monitoring and monetizing ads. However, these tools can be really overwhelming for first-time users due to the abundance in tools and lack of understanding on what each tool’s purpose serves. Ultimately, incorrectly using the tools on the Facebook ad dashboard minimizes the efficiency of the ad. Hence, it is recommended to seek help of a professional advertising firm specializing in Instagram and Facebook advertising services.

Even if you contract such a firm, having basic knowledge of how Facebook and Instagram advertising works is a must. Here is a short but concise guide to using those advertising tools.

Connecting Facebook and Instagram Account

The first step is having a Facebook and Instagram business account because they unlock full advertising and monitoring tools not found in personal, individual accounts. Then, you have to link both accounts together so that any ad or post made in Facebook or Instagram gets automatically posted to the other social media at the same time.

Setting a Budget

Facebook allows you to set a budget for ads, as high or low as you like. The number of people who’ll see the ad and how far it reaches in terms of exposure depends on your set budget in the business account. You have monitoring tools available to check if your set budget is doing well or if you need to adjust the budget.

Choosing Audience

Choosing who will see your ads is an important step in designing ads. Professional social media advertising firms can efficiently design your ads based on your target audience. There are many ways to classify your target audience based on age, interests, geographical locations, pages followed and so on; giving you complete flexibility in choosing the most efficient group.

Designing Attractive Ads

No one wants an ad riddled with long text and sentences. It is important that the ads are short but catchy at the same time, so that it will persuade the user to engage with the ad. The contents of the ad posted on social media should have a picture or video at its centerpiece with short text for description purposes. Most social media advertising firms also specialize in designing essential ad posts.


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